We monitor hundreds of projects, ranging from public works to affordable housing to help crack down on wage theft and ensure a dignified workplace with responsible contracting practices
Prevailing Wage / Infrastructure
The Southwest region expects to receive billions for bridge replacements, transit improvements, and road repairs all subject to Davis-Bacon requirements under the Infrastructure Investment and
Jobs Act
Enforcement / Wage Theft
Construction is a bifurcated industry, separated into two sectors with different working conditions: a high wage, often unionized nonresidential construction sector, and a low-wage, often exploitative residential construction sector.
Affordable Housing
Many affordable housing projects rely on government funds, which triggers prevailing wage requirements. This policy has helped all contractors compete on a level playing field while supporting middle-class jobs to build strong communities and rewarding careers.
Advocacy Activities
The Quad C participates in a number of public forums to help advocate for the creation of quality development projects and good-paying jobs. ​​

Policy Actions
​The Quad C has engaged in the following policy actions:
Local Actions:
Los Angeles County:
LA City Contractor Pre-qualification Motion
Instructed EWDD, DCP, and the Bureau of Contract Administration to report best practices for designating a list of pre-qualified contractors and determining applicability and incentivizing participation.​
Hollywood Community Plan
Added language to the Community Plan update instructing the DCP to study/develop a pre-qualification process that evaluates contractors on their record and commitment to high road wage and benefit standards and local hire training.
DTLA 2040 Plan & LA Housing Element​​
Propose language to develop a pre-qualification process that evaluates contractors on safety records, participation in apprenticeship training, availability of employer-paid health insurance, pension benefits and record of compliance with labor laws.
Orange County:
Irvine Contractor Disclosure Ordinance
Propose amendments to strengthen the City's current contractor disclosure requirements by identifying contractors that have violated labor laws.​
Santa Ana Contractor Disclosure Ordinance
Propose amendment enhanced the current contractor disclosure requirements of the City by introducing measures that identify contractors who have violated labor laws.
Santa Ana Housing Opportunity Ordinance
Propose language that would incentivize developers to use a percentage of skilled journeypersons or apprentices in their projects for a reduction in the City's in-lieu fees.
San Diego County:
County Subcontractor Transparency Ordinance
Propose language that would require contractors to disclose information for their subcontractors working on projects requiring County building permits.​
City of San Diego Subcontractor Transparency Ordinance
Propose amendments to San Diego’s municipal code to require contractors applying for building permits to disclose several new pieces of information before work on a project can begin.
Tucson, Arizona: ​
Local Wage Theft Ordinance
Labor Standards Department would conduct investigations, audits, surveys and receive the complaints related to wage theft, when workers are denied pay that they’ve earned.​
State Actions:
California State Agencies:
California Strategic Growth Council
Propose modifying the AHSC application and scoring system to promote a quality local workforce by granting points to developers obtaining an enforceable agreement to contract state-approved apprentices and committing to verifying that contractors have a clean labor record. ​
California State Legislature:
Assembly Bill 2011
Bill will expand affordable housing opportunities in prime infill locations for low-income Californians, while boosting well-paid, middle-class construction jobs.​
Senate Bill 727
Bill expands existing general contractor liability to include liquidated damages and penalties.​
Assembly Bill 1701
Bill holds general contractors and subcontractors jointly liable for unpaid wages, including fringe benefits.
Colorado State Legislature:
Senate Bill 161
Bill updates and modifies laws pertaining to the payment of wages, employee misclassification, and workplace safety, and the enforcement procedures and remedies for violations of those laws.
House Bill 19-1267
Bill defines the failure to pay wages or paying less than the minimum wage as a felony when the theft is of an amount greater than $2,000.